Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP
Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP

In her first year out of residency Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP served as the NYSAFP Delegate to the National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL). NCCL is the AAFP leadership training stomping grounds that develops women, minorities, new physicians, international medical graduates, and lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender (LGBT) family physicians to prepare to step forward as leaders on both the state and national levels. She was so moved and empowered by her experience she ran for and was elected as Co-Convener for the LGBT Caucus. Participating in the NCCL Advisory Group in her various roles Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP was ultimately elected to serve as Convener of the National Conference of Constituency Leaders working closely with AAFP leadership and staff to host this amazing annual conference.

After that first year at NCCL Sarah C. Nosal, MD, FAAFP was ready to stretch her leadership skills acquired at NCCL - she ran for the NYSAFP Board and was elected as a NYSAFP Director and has served in various board roles since, including the youngest NYSAFP President in its' history. Whether as NCCL Alternate Delegate to AAFP Congress of Delegates, NCCL Delegate to AAFP Congress of Delegates, or NCCL Convener each of these roles brought her annually to the AAFP COD, which she has attended every year since. Most recently representing NYSAFP as Delegate to the AAFP COD, before assuming her Director position on the AAFP Board of Directors.